アーノさん、 International Journal of Image Processing & Communicationsに論文採録決定
投稿日: 2016/12/10 8:33:49
M2のアーノさんの論文"Vibration-based key exchange among multiple smart devices on the desk"が,International Journal of Image Processing & Communicationsの,Vol. 16, No.3-4, pp.1-8上に,2017年3月に採録となりました.
Alisa Arno, Kentaroh Toyoda, Yuji Watanabe, Iwao Sasase and P. Takis Mathiopoulos, "Vibration-based key exchange among multiple smart devices on the desk," International Journal of Image Processing & Communications, Vol..16, No.3-4, pp.1-8 , March 2017. , accepted.
Eavesdropping is a real concern in mobile NFC (Near Filed Communication) payment and data sharing applications. Although DH (Diffie-Hellman) scheme has been widely used in key exchange for secure communications, it may fail in an indoor environment due to the vulnerability against man-in-the-middle attack. In this paper, we propose a vibration-based key exchange among multiple smart devices on the desk. In our scheme, devices are assumed to be placed next to each other and each device vibrates with patterns converted from a key to be exchanged and measures them with accelerometer to recover it. Then, each key is recovered from measured acceleration. We implement our scheme with Android smartphones to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.